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CORTEX IMPLANT - an international cyberpunk'ish LGBTQIA+ friendly Fediverse instance for edgerunners, netrunners and cyberpunks and all who want to become one.

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Just in case you ever need this in the future..

Actual wide-scale resistance groups operating under a repressive regime rarely look like what many movies have led you to believe.

What they look like are a lot of normal people who maybe lose a document, maybe forget to latch a gate, maybe take a little longer to do a task than they would otherwise.

It requires no command and control, no leaders, no connections to be compromised. For most, it is not the work of great measures, it is the thousand.. million.. cuts that grind the oppressor to a halt while never being something they can prove.

Think less about secret handshakes, and more about an unfortunately bad case of ADHD at an inopportune time.

@ra6bit this is what people try to point out when they also talk about covert racism and other forms of oppression. Things suddenly go missing, take longer to do, are overlooked or completed in an inadequate way all for whatever reason someone can muster.

Seeing to happen to an oppressor would be a sight indeed!