Hey, here’s something I didn’t present before but it’s made some time ago, hence #ThrowbackThurday
It’s a standalone illustration for Peter Pan. I didn’t do more at the time but I’d love to! I’m open for commissions you know, just saying... :)
Hey, here’s something I didn’t present before but it’s made some time ago, hence #ThrowbackThurday
It’s a standalone illustration for Peter Pan. I didn’t do more at the time but I’d love to! I’m open for commissions you know, just saying... :)
This is an old #joke from #yesteryear for #ThrowbackThurday It almost goes without say that I actually use open source GIMP and Inkscape for #gamedev photos and vector art.
#ThrowbackThurday to the dunes on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. The wild horses here descended from Spanish Mustangs and have survived on these coastal islands for over 500 years. Their lines have remained pure due to the isolation.
Find prints: https://wildhorsephotographs.com/coastal-nc-mustangs
#WildHorses #Horse #Horses #AYearForArt #Equine #Nature #SpanishMustang #OBX
#WildHorseArt #HorseLovers #WildHorsePhotography #Mustangs
#FallForArt #Photography
#BuyIntoArt #PhotographyIsArt
For #ThrowbackThurday a bad photo of myself from the summer before I started kindergarten. I have not seen this in years. I remember the photo being taken but not why I refused to cooperate for it. But I do remember my mother and the librarian both being quite upset with me.
"Grandpa! Grandpa! Tell us again when blogs were printed on shiny paper filled with colorful ads that were not more relevant." Well, kids, those were called magazines and they sometimes had contests offering prizes like these back in the year 2000. #ThrowbackThurday #gamer #goodies
Closed for winter? More likely The Midway is closed forever after its last shutdown in 2012 was due to a lack of available 35-mm film prints.
The drive-in was built in 1955, midway between Turkey & Quitaque, Texas - New York & L.A.
Photographed: August 2020
It's an understatement to say that Texas has some interesting courthouses. A few are noteworthy, but most just look tired - as if they've been chewed up, spit out and stepped on like Bowser's bone.
The courthouse in Coryell County has never been a favorite, but sometimes... when the air has been washed clean after a summer rain and the sun is shining? Well, ymmv, but it makes me feel weirdly hopeful.
Should have probably waited for #ThrowbackThurday Winamp Spanish article https://www.genbeta.com/a-fondo/probamos-nuevo-winamp-reinvencion-mitico-reproductor-musica-para-competir-spotify