Mais de 300 apps maliciosas descobertas na Google Play Store https://tugatech.com.pt/t65198-mais-de-300-apps-maliciosas-descobertas-na-google-play-store
Mais de 300 apps maliciosas descobertas na Google Play Store https://tugatech.com.pt/t65198-mais-de-300-apps-maliciosas-descobertas-na-google-play-store
Multifocus camera - Apps on Google Play https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.lab.multifocus #photography #stacking #Android #focus #gplay #photo #app
Google didn't put a Linux terminal app in Android to let you run a full-blown Linux desktop. But it won't stop you from installing one. Instead the idea is to allow more Linux apps, utilities, and games to run on Android. #Linux #Android https://www.androidauthority.com/android-linux-terminal-purpose-3535765/
Ein #Bug sorgt unter #Android für Verwirrung. So werden Nutzer immer wieder aufgefordert, die #Google Play Services auf ihrem #Smartphone zu aktualisieren. Ein entsprechendes #Update existiert jedoch nicht. https://winfuture.de/news,149679.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia
#AndroidAppRain at https://apt.izzysoft.de/fdroid today brings you 15 updated and 1 added apps:
+ MediNote: tracking blood pressure measurements offline
RB status: 540 apps (42.2% of the currently 1.280 listed apps) covered.
Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo
Nachdem ich die letzten Jahre miniflux https://miniflux.app/ nur im Browser verwendet habe, habe ich es nun mit Capy Reader https://capyreader.com/ verbunden.
(In miniflux in den Einstellungen unter Integrations Google Reader API aktivieren und Benutzername und Passwort vergeben. In Capy Reader eigenen Server wählen und Daten eingeben. Fertig.) #rss #feeds #reader #android
@kuketzblog Auf der Suche nach einem anpassbarem, Chromium-basierten #Android #Browser bin ich aufgrund einer aus dem Google Store entfernten Erweiterung nun auf #Quetta gestoßen, welcher als "Privacy First" beworben wird ("Zero usage data collection") und Erweiterungen unterstützt. Integrierte Fingerprint-Verwischung, Synchronisierungskonto ohne E-Mail-Adresse, "KI-Werbeblocker".
Vielleicht mal was für den #Browsertest?
#Browserwechsel #UnplugTrump #Datenschutz
#RCS auf dem #iPhone: Erst mit #iOS19 nützliche neue Features | Mac & i https://www.heise.de/news/RCS-auf-dem-iPhone-Erst-mit-iOS-19-nuetzliche-neue-Features-10317236.html #Android #Google
Dyna-Kampf-Tag mit Gigadynamax-Relaxo in Pokémon GO angekündigt
Schlaft nicht beim Essen, wenn Relaxo im Spiel auftaucht.
Zur News: https://news.bisafans.de/11466
I'm glad that I have a Google Pixel 8a and not a older model. There have been many reports of Google Pixels exploding! It's horrendous. I would strongly recommend against buying anything older than the Pixel 8 series.
Disclaimer: I'm not a expert and haven't deeply researched this topic, but I considered it important enough to give everyone a warning.
I'll most certainly be adding this to my collection come Thursday morning!
Android Mini Collectible - Pine Pal.
Played some Roguejack last night, a mobile roguelike game where you explore a dungeon and battle creatures by playing blackjack against them. Take notes, real casinos. If you battled actual monsters in real-life casinos, I can see that being a really interesting selling point. Anyway, great game.
If you run a custom OS like #lineageos, #calyxos or #grapheneos on your #Android phone, you might risk loosing it and being unable to track it due to the lack of Google Services.
FMD is an OSS app + server that helps you track your lost device without the use of Google's Find My Device.
@ct_Magazin Vor #android Tablets u. a. auch von der Marke #lenovo muss eindringlich gewarnt werden, denn Betriebssystem-Updates oder generell Sicherheitsupdates sind dort idR. Mangelware und die teure Hardware wird nach nur wenigen Jahren obsolet. Da ist Lenovo aber nicht alleine ...
Neuer Patch auf Version für Pokémon Unite angekündigt
Das Update wird morgen veröffentlicht.
Zur News: https://news.bisafans.de/11464
For some odd reason people consider it to be normal to be very very violated when it comes down to their personal privacy.
* No one should point the camera at your face without your permission.
* No one should sell you a device which has a camera pointed at your face 24 hours a day and you just accept it
* No one should sell you a device with a battery permanently sealed in it but that's another story and another storyline
* No one should ever sell you the snake oil telling you that it's normal to have a camera pointed at your face 24/7
It's not normal!
Now go and protect your identity cover that lens!
When was the last time you've properly used the camera on your Android?
No I'm not talking about the camera which points at the scenery, I'm talking about the camera which points straight to your face 24 hours a day every time you pick your Android up.
¿Well? I'm waiting.
About 990 out of 1000 people will answer this wrong.
The only proper way of using that camera is making sure that it can only record images of your face when you absolutely want to
That means that you need to put a piece of electrical isolation tape in front of the lens of the camera and it should be like that for most of the day.
Any other manner means that you do not know anything about securing yourself and about protecting your identity.
Do you consider it normal to have a barrel of a firearm pointed at your face 24 hours a day?
The question is rhetorical
Now please follow suit and do like I have done it for decades;
The only time when the camera is pointed at me, is when I want to; if I don't I either cover it, or shove the person who puts the camera in my face in such a manner that they drop it immediately, or else!
One UI 7 chega a 7 de abril, eis a lista dos primeiros a receber a atualização https://tugatech.com.pt/t65193-one-ui-7-chega-a-7-de-abril-eis-a-lista-dos-primeiros-a-receber-a-atualizacao
#TIL about #FOSSDroid;
"... the project’s aim is to promote free and open source apps on the Android platform. Fossdroid takes its data from F-Droid and organizes the apps in an attractive Google Play-like arrangement, with the ability to view apps by what’s new / trending / most popular."