And of course, I forgot a game: Return to Monkey Island
I'd forgotten to put the hashtag #BigBoxGames when I posted a photo, so it slipped through the net.
On the plus side, it's also the only game that isn't retro.
My 2024 #BigBoxGames retrospective!
From the most recent (Prince of Persia) to the oldest (Gobliiins).
An excellent year, even if I bought very few of them. Especially if I put aside the LRG boxes, bought in 2022/2023.
I love all these games
I also really like the back of the box, very neat.
Thanks again to Jordan Mechner for creating this great video game
And what a magnificent box!
#PrinceOfPersia #JordanMechner #Broderbund #RetroGaming #BigBoxGames #Amiga #AtariST #DOSGaming #AppleII @jmechner
The box includes a 512 Kb floppy disk and a nice manual for PC (DOS) and Apple versions
There is a manual for Atari ST/Amiga which was sold in smaller boxes.
#PrinceOfPersia #JordanMechner #Broderbund #RetroGaming #BigBoxGames #Amiga #AtariST #DOSGaming #AppleII @jmechner
I still can't believe I finally own this edition of Prince of Persia
I've been looking for this Amiga version for years!
One of my favorite games/cover arts of all time
#PrinceOfPersia #JordanMechner #Broderbund #RetroGaming #BigBoxGames #Amiga @jmechner
Good heavens!
I can't wait until tomorrow to show you what I've received (I hope)
Today, Quake III Arena celebrates its 25th anniversary!
I still have my copy, bought on March 1, 2000 (French edition)
The FPS I've spent the most hours on
And don't forget that it's possible to follow a hashtag on Mastodon!
Hey fans of (retro) big game boxes, feel free to use the hashtag #BigBoxGames when you show boxes from your collection. It'll make it easier to share our passion!
Here's the first one I posted on Mastodon
Here's the back of the box.
I'm quite surprised by the "imported from Canada" sticker, even though I bought it in my home country, France. Maybe second-hand then. I can't remember.