@kaffeeringe Das ist nicht neu. Zumindest nicht in Filmen & Büchern #captainmarvel #daserwachen #mrsdavis #personofinterest …
Wir sollten eine Definition für einen Gott finden - auf jeden Fall sollte er nicht über seinen Möglichkeit Profit zu machen definiert werden. #agi
#NowWatching The Marvels (2023) First time checking this out. I know it got bad reviews so I'm not expecting much surely it has to be better than the last Ant-Man movie? #movies #MarrvelUniverse #MCU #CaptainMarvel
I'm enjoying Brie Larson as Captain Marvel so much.
It’s #WorldEmojiDay! We got into some of the history of emoji, and other ways of expressing and categorizing smiles and other emotions, in our video about Captain Marvel and superhero comics:
#Etymology #Video #WordNerd #Linguistics #Language #Words #HistoricalLinguistics #LingComm #Emoji #CaptainMarvel #Superhero
Finally got around to watching The Marvels. Love it. I can see why it might not be everyone’s jam, but it’s exactly what I needed.
It’s a shame we’d never get a full on Bollywood Ms. Marvel movie. It would be spectacular.
‘Lessons in Chemistry’: Brie Larson Says Falling In Love Is Harder Than It Looks On Screen: ‘It’s So Nuanced’
#Variety #Actors #Awards #Features #BrieLarson #CaptainMarvel #LessonsinChemistry
It's #NationalSuperheroDay and I have made at least 100 superhero costumes over the past 15 years + I could share any of them, but I've had the same favorite superhero since I was 4 years old. She used to lead the Avengers, you know. Captain Marvel herself, Monica Rambeau
#CaptainMarvel #Photon #Spectrum #MonicaRambeau #cosplay
Disney Foe Nelson Peltz Questions ‘Woke’ Marvel Films: ‘Why Do I Have to Have a Marvel [Movie] That’s All Women? Why Do I Need an All-Black Cast?’
#Variety #News #BlackPanther #CaptainMarvel #Marvel #NelsonPeltz
February 29th, #LeapDay, is the official birthday of Superman's alter ego, Clark Kent.
It was first designated as his birthday in issue 164 of World's Finest Comics in 1966. (The linked article does not include this fact, for some reason.)
It is also the birthday of #BillyBatson, the secret identity of his fellow #DCcomics superhero, #Shazam (aka #CaptainMarvel in the #DCU).
#Superman #DCEU #ClarkKent #ComicBooks #Superheroes #LeapYear