Because I'm in that frame of mind, here's a mini-scene set before we meet our heroes in Veilguard.

Because I'm in that frame of mind, here's a mini-scene set before we meet our heroes in Veilguard.
The Emmrich Quests are always so funny xD
#dragonage #dragonagetheveilguard
oh my, the deep roads look incredible. always loved them in the other games too :3
#dragonage #dragonagetheveilguard #thedeeproads
OMG I JUST FOUND THE GUY who apparently makes those wooden animals in another village somewhere across the world map :3 #dragonage #dragonagetheveilguard
found this cute carved wooden bear toy in a bed :3
#dragonage #dragonagetheveilguard
of course Isabela is at the most fancy outdoor bar in whole tevinter :D #dragonage #dragonagetheveilguard
manfreeedd, stop being so cuuutee! #dragonage #dragonagetheveilguard
the necropolis graveyard is SO BEAUTIFUL! #dragonage #dragonagetheveilguard
walking the graves has been my fav companion quest so far. emmrich and manfred are something else <3 #dragonage #dragonagetheveilguard
love how we sit together and discuss old elfen lore. It's so incredibly wholesome and cozy #dragonage #dragonagetheveilguard
haha, Manfred is sooo cute :3 #dragonage #dragonagetheveilguard #manfred
gotta love the market! :3
#dragonage #dragonagetheveilguard
found this poor nug next to the dead body of his beloved care taker :( rip #dragonagetheveilguard
found this cat and this poem next to her on the beach while feeding birds with Taash <333
#dragonage #dragonagetheveilguard
So, this comes from a convo with @jam from the other week - a reminder that Taash is not the only non-binary person in Veilguard. I've scribbled some thoughts on Governor Ivenci and how their identity is represented in the game.
Here be spoilers.