how badly did infocom want to sell this as a Wasteland competitor? take a look at the back of the boxes. they even used the same typeface. left: Mines of Titan. right: Wasteland.
how badly did infocom want to sell this as a Wasteland competitor? take a look at the back of the boxes. they even used the same typeface. left: Mines of Titan. right: Wasteland.
it is safe to say that 90% of my taste in computer games is thanks to the original abandonware site Home of the Underdogs. every few months i’d make it a point to download one of their Top Dog awarded games, and all of them lived up to it.
in particular, westwood/infocom’s Mines of Titan always interested me. it never quite fit into infocom’s IF catalog, and it predated the much more popular Eye of the Beholder. i always avoided it because it looked like just another dungeon crawler.
as it turns out, Mines of Titan is far closer to Wasteland or Neuromancer than any other game. part text adventure, part rpg, it evokes a surprisingly unique world that easily fits in a philip k dick styled universe.
today, the box arrived after two decades of looking for one. per infocom’s exceptional marketing company, the browsies included in the box are wonderful - official letterheads and employee bulletins from mars corporations.
European Gamers!
I (still) encourage you to support the "Stop Killing Games" Initiative and share it around.
(follow the guide, there is only one chance to support):
Accompanying video by Ross Scott: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkMe9MxxZiI
#gaming #gamePreservation #art #pcgaming #consolegaming #gamers #videogames #eu #europe A BIG explainer video by Ross Scott: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEVBiN5SKuA
Wow, last week: Amazon Kindle and now this week, Nintendo, a stark reminder that there is little ownership, preservation, or nostalgia when you buy a digital license or subscribe digitally to any retro media
#gamepreservation #retrogames #retrogaming #physicalmedia #Cartridges #CDs #Vinyl #retrocomputing
digital preservation and archivist friends: it came to my attention recently that mobygames was bought by some trashy atari holding corporation a few years ago. all of the scans and item entries that many of us slaved over for the past 25 years were sold off. anyone submitting mobygames entries/updates are effectively working for free now.
i can't say i'm unhappy to see it going downhill with the new owners. updates to entries went from taking 1 day for approval from moderators, to 4-6 months.
it also had a frustrating limitation of declaring any software outside of its very traditional definition of game as out-of-scope.
that being said, it's a critical service for those researching and writing about games.
i'd like to know if there are any publicly-owned database initiatives in development to replace and/or subsume mobygames.
and if not, let's build one.
if you're into the history of Ultima, Origin Systems and ebooks, andrea contato has released his Through the Moongate Part 1 (200 pages) for free for the next few days
i'll spare you a book review - but yes, it's worth reading. it got a poor quality translation from italian, but the stories are still enjoyable.
European Gamers!
I (still) encourage you to support the "Stop Killing Games" Initiative and share it around.
(follow the guide, there is only one chance to support):
Accompanying video by Ross Scott: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkMe9MxxZiI
#gaming #gamePreservation #art #pcgaming #consolegaming #gamers #videogames #eu #europe A BIG explainer video by Ross Scott: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEVBiN5SKuA
UK rebuffs game preservationists’ petition to make retroactively breaking old games unlawful https://massivelyop.com/2025/02/04/uk-rebuffs-game-preservationists-petition-to-make-retroactively-breaking-old-games-unlawful
#GamePreservation #MMO #MMORPG #StopKillingGames
You wouldn't believe how many trees we killed #Retrogaming
Now you can digitally browse through the games of yore print media guilt free at the Video Game History Foundation Library.
Every vote increases the chance of bringing your beloved games to GOG and making them live forever.
Waaaaay too good, and from a creator with < 5K subs. The opening line alone should sell you on it
European Gamers!
I (still) encourage you to support the "Stop Killing Games" Initiative and share it around.
(follow the guide, there is only one chance to support):
Accompanying video by Ross Scott: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkMe9MxxZiI
#gaming #gamePreservation #art #pcgaming #consolegaming #gamers #videogames #eu #europe A BIG explainer video by Ross Scott: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEVBiN5SKuA
Fascinating to see prolific game manual scanner Kirkland show his process and collections, and talk at length about cataloguing, speed vs. quality, collaboration, and what's next. An interview conducted by @ChariotRider:
Noooooooo I was meaning to replay #Guildlings but it was removed from Apple Arcade (and it used to be an #AppleArcade exclusive). Was it really not released anywhere else after it was removed from Arcade? Is this actually a complete loss for game preservation?
Hello Mastodon crowd. I just came from X.com, where you find my old post https://x.com/A_Lange_Berlin
#computergames #videogames #digitalgames #gamingculture #gamingheritage #classicgames #digitalheritage #digitalpreservation
#digitalculture #borndigitalculture
#culturalheritage #gamepreservation #gamingheritage
The Century Game Jam is going on now! It's a very laid-back Jam where ANYONE can submit games at ANY TIME for THE REST OF THEIR LIVES!
This was inspired by a Game Jam I ran across that is currently ongoing and is supposed to last for a decade. The purpose of this Jam is to promote long-term preservation of video games - past, present, and future - and have them continue to work potentially forever, so that people generations from now can enjoy the games that we make today!
There is only one rule, really - NSFW submissions are not allowed. That means explicit sex, gore, and strong language should not be present in your game, else it will be removed. If you want to preserve such games, I recommend starting your own Jam for that!
Interested in preserving your games? JOIN NOW! https://itch.io/jam/the-century-game-jam
European Gamers!
I (still) encourage you to support the "Stop Killing Games" Initiative and share it around.
(follow the guide, there is only one chance to support):
Accompanying video by Ross Scott: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkMe9MxxZiI
#gaming #gamePreservation #art #gamers #videogames #eu #europe A BIG explainer video by Ross Scott: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEVBiN5SKuA
@KSGamingLife Pare che il programma di GOG per preservare i videogiochi per sempre, dopotutto non sia poi così per sempre.
Blizzard ha detto a GOG: "Sai che c'è? Voglio vendere le mie remastered di Warcraft 1 e 2. Per cui togli gli originali dal tuo store e dal tuo programma di preservazione, entro il 13 Dicembre."
GOG ora li vende a 2$ con il codice "MakeWarcraftLiveForever", promettendo a chi li acquista che li manterrà.