Remember: #YourVoteCounts!
Our #OverseasVotes can be the margin of victory in tight races!
Seriously! In 2020, after all the #overseas #ballots were counted, an #Iowa House seat was lost by just 6 votes.
Go to to see if there is still time to request your #OverseasBallot! #Vote if you can!
If you're one of the millions of #Americans living #overseas, you may not think #YourVoteMatters.
But it's true that in many #SwingStates and swing districts, #AmericansAbroad can absolutely make the difference between candidates winning and losing.
Go to to #register for the #Election2024. It's not too late to #vote and help tip the balance!
Here's how to watch the CNN #PresidentialDebate if you happen to live #overseas
This message brought to you by #VoteFromAbroad and #Democrats Abroad, who remind you: US expats CAN vote! #Register to vote #today at
#CNN #Debate #Biden #BidenHarris2024 #Election #USPolitics @politics @uspolitics @DemocracyMattersALot
It's worth highlighting that the #Tories changed the rules as of #Jan2024 so that British citizens living abroad may now vote in the #GeneralElection even if they been out of the #UK for MORE than 15 years.
They did it to prop up their voting share from all the (mostly) rich, (mostly Tory-voting) #expats living in Spain and the South of France.
I hope every #overseas #British citizen registers to vote and either immediately requests a postal ballot, or organises a #proxyVote