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CORTEX IMPLANT - an international cyberpunk'ish LGBTQIA+ friendly Fediverse instance for edgerunners, netrunners and cyberpunks and all who want to become one.

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Aumetra Ⓐ :nonbinary: :good_boy:

@erlend @hongminhee If there is interest, we can totally chat about it. I think there are some nice bridges like napi that offer a nice binding between NodeJS <-> Rust, but I'm not sure about Deno (or if having a Node.js plugin would be good enough?)

Erlend Sogge Heggen

@0x0 @hongminhee alternatively, could Kitsune modules possibly be compiled as wasm packages for fedify to import without special bindings?

Aumetra Ⓐ :nonbinary: :good_boy:

@erlend @hongminhee depends on the module. when disabling the easy module, it could totally compile to wasm i think. the easy module depends on rayon to asyncify the cryptography which doesn't play well with wasm (because it spawns threads)

@erlend @hongminhee well, its something we can figure out if there is interest in collaborating on that.
then we can figure out the logistics of packaging these things in something that can be distributed well

洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee) 🤏🏼

@0x0 @erlend Although Fedify already implements HTTP Signatures, relying on Kitsune's implementation for performance might be an option. However, I'm not sure how much of a performance gain it would be, since Fedify already relies on Deno's Web Cryptography API, which is implemented in Rust. 🤔