DOSBox Staging Basics
Today: Nuked-SC55
True Roland SC-55 Emulation is here!
You might find the necessary ROM files on
#DOSBox-Staging #DOSBox #DOSGaming #MS-DOS #Emulation #RetroGaming #LinuxGaming #MacGaming #FOSS #Roland #General-MIDI #MIDI #SC-55 #SoundCanvas
@DOSBox_Staging Sound Blaster AWE32 with full 28 MB memory upgrade emulation would be awesome.
@bhasic Oh, AWE32 emulation is coming too, but not too soon!
@DOSBox_Staging omg omg omg omg omg and just now I am in sitting here in a car. This is sounds like a great thing. I still have somewhere a comparable Kawaii midi synthesizer box