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CORTEX IMPLANT - an international cyberpunk'ish LGBTQIA+ friendly Fediverse instance for edgerunners, netrunners and cyberpunks and all who want to become one.

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"Just use Linux" is much like "just ride a bike" or "just shop at a refill store" - accessing the non default option can be time consuming, expensive or unavailable locally. We need to recognise you need a certain degree of privilege to have the capacity to complicate your life voluntarily. We need to be trying to make the better, harder thing more accessible, not blaming people for not using it.

@afewbugs I was thinking of starting a Linux Petting Zoo night

Where we have different versions of beginner Linux distros with different Desktop environments for people to touch and use for fun without pressure.

Maybe some prompts for learning as a scavenger hunt.

- find the app store
-go to "about this computer" in settings.
- enter terminal and type 'sudo neofetch"
