is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
CORTEX IMPLANT - an international cyberpunk'ish LGBTQIA+ friendly Fediverse instance for edgerunners, netrunners and cyberpunks and all who want to become one.

Administered by:

Server stats:

active users

Quiet public

p.s. Some misunderstanding of what is required to start a Fediverse server. You don't need to install software or do anything technical to create a Fedi server.

There are many managed hosting companies that do all tech stuff for you behind the scenes, including updates and maintenance. Using managed hosting is about as difficult as setting up an email account.

I run a website at to encourage more non-technical people to try managed hosting.

growyourown.servicesGrow Your Own Services – A beginner's guide to creating your own little corner of the Internet

@FediTips This is actually relates to a blog I'm starting about documentation failure for new users, and knowledge hurtles.