You know the drama maybe with sci-hub, z-lib, libgen, etc...check out the weird-ass seizure notice with a (IMO) absolute failure in messaging...they don't seem to be swimming in pools of stolen money, rather, looks like they just live in a rural area...but ok.
Just in case you didn't know, there's a meta-search site called annas archive
(with shitty-but-working download mirrors)
is the current official domain.
and sci-hub seems to be back up and running (multiple domains e.g.
Just stop putting your research behind paywalls
@zeyus "Just stop putting your research behind paywalls"
It's the publishers that are at fault. The amount of money they make annually is ridiculous.
The people who have written these papers are often happy to share, sometimes if you email them they will send you a copy if they have the time to reply. Often they do, which is quite nice so it's not them who have a problem with scihub but the publishers do.
People who work in research have *pay* the publishers to make it free. **Often they don't have the money for this.** A lot of research is funded by research grants and sponsorships but it often doesn't cover the costs to publish it with the larger publishers. Honestly a lot of publishers make me so angry.
@LevelUp straight up couldn't agree more. I'm fully aware of how fucked the system is...
And I definitely do not want to blame researchers, so my bad if my post seemed to imply that.
The journals are 85% [citation needed] at fault, they are money grubbing, litigious parasites, and the scientific community in general make up most of the rest of the 15% [citation needed].
Researchers are busy, but some take the responsibility of performing peer reviews etc seriously, others don't (for many valid or invalid reasons). But the scientific community also need to buy into open access, open research, and put in some work to make it successful. I did a review the other day for JOSS, of course I didn't get paid for it, but I'm glad I could contribute, and plan to keep doing so. AFAIK you also don't get paid for peer-review in the paywall journals either.
Until that happens, prestigious journals will remain so (despite their many blunders), and chasing your H-index means you need to publish in those.