I did it!!!
Now it can easily simulate 1000 particles (on the ESP32, thanks to floating point math) and it knows about gravity via the MPU-6050 gyro/accelerometer
@zeyus really cool! can you share the process please?
@seali thanks! 100% I'll write up about it on my site soon (hopefully within a week or two) and ping you here. The source code will be available and an early version is already pushed to GitHub, but that's a mess! I just want to iron out the bugs with getting the sensor to sleep, and then using its motion detector to send an interrupt to wake the ESP32. Then it's a version 0.1
@zeyus Thanks! I recently ordered an ESP32 and I'm excited to see other people's projects.
@seali I haven't had time to do a write-up yet but I have solved the interrupt issue I was having, and had a bit of time this evening to play around with the physics