Daily Haiku Prompt for March 17, 2025: crocus (North)
the bee and I connected—
#DailyHaikuPrompt #vsspoem #haiku #poetry #poetrycommunity #vss365 #WritingCommunity #poem #writing #micropoetry
Daily Haiku Prompt for March 17, 2025: crocus (North)
the bee and I connected—
#DailyHaikuPrompt #vsspoem #haiku #poetry #poetrycommunity #vss365 #WritingCommunity #poem #writing #micropoetry
a buried sardine
fertilized the full bloom of
this seasons crocus
#dailyhaikuprompt - sardine - crocus
With spring in focus
And winter's hocus pocus
In the blink of an eye
In the garden I spy
Magic visions of crocus!
A Limerick seemed fitting today. :())
#dailyhaikuprompt crocus
One from the vaults today, Lest we should forget Prince aka His Royal Radness.
#dailyhaikuprompt - crocus
Sending a message
to Spring, the crocus will sing
colorful glory
A rare saffron spice
Worth more by weight than gold and
Inkjet cartridges
dashed droplets
of blue, dashing past:
sardine shoal
鰯 (iwashi) - sardine
crocus snouts,
snuffling through wet earth
for sunlight
クロッカス (kurokasu) - crocus
commuting upstream
stand behind the yellow line
doors are now closing
Thick smear of red hats
Industrial processed hate.
Sardines in a sham.
gusts fling leaves and dust
aloft, dash boughs down — blown as
creaking rooves echo
16 Mar 25 - 'gusty'
(Note: contra any modern dictionary I maintain 'rooves' as the true plural of 'roof', for aesthetic reasons.)
gust-thrown trash
collects in the fence
dividing us
#DailyHaikuPrompt (gusty) #haiku #senryu #poetry #WritingCommunity
weeping willow trees
whether with fondness or pain
they will leave a mark
#dailyhaikuprompt - willow
Image by Hans from Pixabay
Marching into Spring
Gusty winds tear last year's leaves
From this year's branches.
#dailyhaikuprompt - gusty
a gusty wind
the clotheshorse in the garden
starts walking
#dailyhaikuprompt - gusty
Like that sixties song
We all know that she's windy
Gusty would be worse
A breeze so gusty,
it pulls the pants off the man
standing as scarecrow
#DailyHaikuPrompt #GustyWillows #CombiningThePrompts
I’m pretty sure that
Gusty Willows batted for
Notts in the thirties
Sudden gust of wind
Rattling the roof tiles above
The birds wheel and dance