"Bridging the #digitalliteracy gap as a prerequisite for transparency"
By @pdelboca
Upvote it here: https://buff.ly/7HaYsY5
"Bridging the #digitalliteracy gap as a prerequisite for transparency"
By @pdelboca
Upvote it here: https://buff.ly/7HaYsY5
Hallo Bielefeld! Diese Woche sind auch wir auf der #DHd2025 vertreten und freuen uns auf spannende Workshops, Vorträge und den Austausch.
Los geht es mit dem Workshop "Open Educational Resources Under Construction", wo unsere Kolleg*innen Canan Hastik & @mathias_zinnen ihren OER-Ansatz vorstellen und diskutieren.
@bkastl Danke für die Analyse. Meine Fragen sind: Wie damit umgehen? Was dem entgegensetzen? Wie aktiv werden?
- Welche Organisationen,
- Welche alternativen Werkzeuge
gilt es zu stärken?
Lasst uns Lösungsansätze sammeln!
Mein Thema ist *Nachhatigkeit in der Digitalisierung* und #Datenschutz, #Sicherheit, #OpenSource #Souveränität, #DigitalLiteracy , ... das alles hängt auch mit ökologischer und sozialer Nachhaltigkeit zusammen.
"Critical ignoring" as a strategy to control and immunize one's information environment (Kozyreva et al., 2023) https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/epub/10.1177/09637214221121570
Such a useful frame for something I've long practised but didn't have a good term for before
by @beet_keeper [digipres.club]
In December I asked “What will you bitflip today?” Not long after, Johan’s (@bitsgalore) Digtial Dark Age Crew released its long lost hidden single Y2K — well, I couldn’t resist corrupting it.
Fixity is an interesting property enabled by digital technologies. Checksums allow us to demonstrate mathematically that a file has not been changed. An often cited definition of fixity is:
Fixity, in the preservation sense, means the assurance that a digital file has remained unchanged, i.e. fixed — Bailey (2014)
It’s very much linked to the concept of integrity. A UNESCO definition of which:
The state of being whole, uncorrupted and free of unauthorized and undocumented changes.
Integrity is massively important these days. It gives us the guarantees we need that digital objects we work with aren’t harboring their own sinister secrets in the form of malware and other potentially damaging payloads.
These values are contingent on bit-level preservation, the field of digital preservation largely assumes this; that we will be able to look after our content without losing information. As feasible as this may be these days, what happens if we lose some information? Where does authenticity come into play?
Through corrupting Y2K, I took time to reflect on integrity versus authenticity, as well as create some interesting glitched outputs. I also uncovered what may be the first audio that reveals what the Millennium Bug itself may have sounded like! Keen to hear it? Read on to find out more.
Plan ahead for Safer Internet Day on February 11. Teach with film to boost student engagement about internet safety and foster critical thinking about producing, consuming and sharing media online.
Lessons include Fake News, Media Analysis, Propaganda, and Social Media. These resources are great for teaching Digital Literacy, Media Literacy, and Social Studies classes.
Learn more: https://journeysinfilm.org/product/media-literacy-journalism-lessons/
#SaferInternetDay #DigitalLiteracy #Homeschooling #Education @education
Africa: Camfed Zambia and the Mastercard Foundation Equip Young Women to Learn and Succeed Through Higher Education: [Mastercard Foundation] Lusaka -- CAMFED Zambia, in partnership with the Mastercard Foundation, has launched a transformative initiative to enhance digital literacy and academic performance among young women from marginalized communities pursuing tertiary education. As part of this, 387… http://newsfeed.facilit8.network/THmcVr #Education #Empowerment #WomenInSTEM #DigitalLiteracy #HigherEducation
Wie können überfachliche Kompetenzen künftig stärker in die Lehre an der #UniLeipzig integriert werden?
Zum Tag der Lehre wurden unter anderem sechs Themenfelder vorgestellt, aus denen sich solche "Skills for tomorrow" ergeben: Darunter befinden sich Zukunftsthemen wie #Demokratiebildung, #DigitalLiteracy und #Nachhaltigkeit.
Einen Überblick der Diskussion zum Tag der Lehre sowie ein Interview mit Prorektor Prof. Dr. Roger Gläser finden Sie hier: https://magazin.uni-leipzig.de/das-leipziger-universitaetsmagazin/artikel/10-tag-der-lehre-widmete-sich-den-skills-for-tomorrow-2025-01-29
by @beet_keeper [digipres.club]
Today I want to showcase a Wikidata proof of concept that I developed as part of my work integrating Siegfried and Wikidata.
That work is wikiprov a utility to augment Wikidata results in JSON with the Wikidata revision history.
For siegfried it means that we can showcase the source of the results being returned by an identification without having to go directly back to Wikidata, this might mean more exposure for individuals contributing to Wikidata. We also provide access to a standard permalink where records contributing to a format identification are fixed at their last edit. Because Wikidata is more mutable than a resource like PRONOM this gives us the best chance of understanding differences in results if we are comparing siegfried+Wikidata results side-by-side.
I am interested to hear your thoughts on the results of the work. Lets go into more detail below.
Gab es einen konkreten anlass ?
Grundsätzlich sollten alle apps im appstore auf mißbräuchliches vethalten untersucht werden.
Fängt mit Werbe-ID sn ... geht mit gps-daten weiter
Wichtig für bevölkerung: #DigitalLiteracy
S.auch #KuketzBlog
Educators, if you are teaching about Digital Literacy or Online Safety, @cyberlyra has put together amazing free resources about how to reclaim your data.
#DigitalLiteracy #OnlineSafety #EdTech #EduTech #Educators #Edutooters #Homeschooling @education @edutooters
We are hiring! We currently have several great job openings at the Interaction Design Lab at the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences: https://idl.fh-potsdam.de/de/jobs/ Apply Now! #DesignResearch #HumanComputerInteraction #AI #Teaching #DigitalLiteracy #Design
Meta (Instagram) appears to use AI-generated imagery and text for bots that talk about their charitable work.
The larger issue is Meta does not clearly disclose that these are AI bots.
What are the potential impacts on students if they believe AI-generated content is created by a real person?
How might AI-generated personas be used to manipulate public sentiment?
Could fake accounts about charitable work have a negative impact on legitimate charities?
(edit: Instagram / Meta)
@kjhealy @stopTDV @gamingagainstv #Media #MediaLiteracy #PublicHealth #Education #edu #digitalhumanities #education #digitalliteracy #AI #bot #Meta #nonprofit #Instagram
Looking for a present for your ageing parents (or grand-parents, uncles, neighbours, etc)? How about spending some time with them at Christmas to help them recognise e-mail and SMS phishing, page hijacking, and quishing? Some of these scams are getting really tricky to recognise and more and more basic things require #DigitalLiteracy!
Digital literacy. The day's cartoon by Taravat Niki. More cartoons: https://www.cartoonmovement.com/search?query=&sort=created&order=desc
Good morning Fedi friends!
I'm currently in the process of moving - one post at a time - #TheRealists blog from #GhostIO to #Wordpress. I still adore Ghost... it's just that it makes no sense to pay for 2 accounts. I'm consolidating everything in one place.
If you enjoy #TheFutureIsFederated, you may also like The Realists, as it covers privacy, surveillance capitalism and our brave new digital world: https://therealists.org/2022/05/what-happens-when-everybody-lies/
Check this list of digital rights orgs who have good work to view. I have students review + compare them to the UN Declaration of Human Rights. Any additions to suggest? #digitalliteracy #Highered
1. Data & Society Research Institute
2. Global Indigenous Data Alliance
3. Ida B Wells Just Data Lab
4. LGBT Tech
5. Stop Think Connect
6. Tactical Tech Org
Algorithms can be weaponized.
Corporate-kings secure the loyalty of knight-engineers who craft, monitor, and improve those algorithms.
Some ways to overcome these digital technologies:
Culture Overlord
A free game about media literacy.
Appropriate for all ages & classrooms.
No ads, no tracking.
Website: CultureOverlord.com
Play Online: jag.itch.io/culture-overlord
@stopTDV @gamingagainstv #Media #MediaLiteracy
#indiegame #videogames #games #PublicHealth #Education #edu #teaching #digitalhumanities #digitalliteracy
Arbeitest du mit Jugendlichen in #Berlin?
@info_activism bietet kostenfreie Workshops zur Förderung der digitalen Medienkompetenz für Jugendliche.
Teilnehmer:innen bekommen Zugang zu kostenlosen Bildungsressourcen, können sich mit anderen Pädagog:innen austauschen und erhalten finanzielle Unterstützung für die Organisation von Veranstaltungen zur digitalen Bildung wie Ausstellungen oder Workshops.