This sounds so good! #helldivers #helldivers2 #record #vinyl #soundtrack
This sounds so good! #helldivers #helldivers2 #record #vinyl #soundtrack
GDC 2025: Umfangreiches Programm im Community Clubhouse
Am Dienstag, dem 18. März 2025, wird im Rahmen der GDC 2025 das Community Clubhouse im Moscone South, Upper Mezzanine, in den Esplanade Rooms 158 und 160 von 09:00 bis 19:00 PST zum Schauplatz
#GDC2025 #Entwicklung #Event #ArrowheadGames #CommunityClubhouse #D2CStrategie #GameDevelopersConference #GDC2025 #Helldivers2 #Keynote #Networking #Spieleentwicklung
i launched Helldivers 2 and the game opened this page by itself while launching
curiously now i can't join any more lobbies
lmao I feel like if you swapped the Spear for the Commando I could actually make this loadout kind of work sort of.
#Helldivers2 hilft, ernsthaft :D
@sebastianlaube ja, das Bottleneck hatte ich auch. Aufgefallen vorallem bei #Helldivers2 auf den höheren Schwierigkeitsstufen und mit den Gloom Terminiten. Hab jetzt teils 40% mehr FPS und die Graka läuft am Limit. Gab wenige Spiele, die da rein rannten.
Hatte auch überlegt, ob ich auf AM4 bleibe, aber hab dann halt den großen Schritt gemacht.
Lüfter muss ich aber noch tauschen, hab erstmal den Stock #AMD Wraith vom 3900x drauf gemacht. Der und Thermal Grizzly Paste kommen heute/morgen.
#HellDivers2 petition to add "eat farts" to dialog when throwing a gas grenade
It's a Gloom heavy Managed Democracy Monday #Helldiver! Let's get in the goo in #Helldivers2! Come be a servant of freedom in Helldivers at 5:30pm EST!
What is a "hangout game"? - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/what-is-a-hangout-game #MultiplayerCompetitive #MultiplayerCooperative #ArrowheadGameStudios #GolfWithYourFriends #Birdview/Isometric #TheSleddingCompany #ActionAdventure #XboxGameStudios #VirtualReality #ScienceFiction #XboxSeriesX/S #lamedeveloper #SeaofThieves #SleddingGame #SinglePlayer #Helldivers2 #Thirdperson #Firstperson #HouseHouse #WalkingSim #Simulation #Webfishing #OpenWorld #Strategy #XboxOne #Sandbox #BigWalk #Shooter #PC
Let's defend against the illusive Illuminate #Helldiver! Get a Major Order in the bag in #Helldivers2! Come be a servant of freedom in Helldivers at 5:30pm EST!
#Helldivers2 just added a nuclear bomb backpack with a 10-second timer and they made it so anyone in your squad can just push the button on your nuke. This game is a balm in these troubled times.
Got my first limited edition controller today, I love it. My old regular controller is on its last legs so I needed a new one, and couldn't stop myself when I saw this beauty. #Helldivers2 #Playstation
Not a good day for #helldivers2 in every one of the three games we did today I don't understand what drives an asshole to kill teammates in an ENTIRELY CO-OPERATIVE GAME where EVERYONE GETS THE SAME SAMPLES regardless of who ends the game carrying them
you can block and report them, but I doubt the reports ever actually do anything...
Not a good day for #helldivers2... Team killers in every one of the three games we did today I don't understand what drives an asshole to kill teammates in an ENTIRELY CO-OPERATIVE GAME where EVERYONE GETS THE SAME SAMPLES regardless of who ends the game carrying them
you can block and report them, but I doubt the reports ever actually do anything...
Super papier de Theo Dezalay pour @mediapart qui parle de fascisme dans le milieu du #jeuvideo en partant de #Helldivers2 !
Jeux vidéo : l’un des cartons de l’année 2024 est une satire du fascisme [www.mediapart.fr]
Apparemment ça a vocation à devenir une chronique mensuelle "Aux manettes", et je m'en trouve tout réjoui. :]
There's no such thing as radiation, Helldiver. That's a pre-Democratic myth perpetuated by troublemakers. Stand proud and salute the ICBM blast. That's freedom prickling your nerve endings.
Now livestreaming at https://www.twitch.tv/cerigotgame ! Gonna do some #helldivers2 drops, then try to make progress in #EldenRing !
Average Helldiver survives for 4 minutes 25 seconds in mission is actualy just statistical error.
John Helldiver, who lives on battlefield & has never died, is a statistical outlier adn should not have been counted