Random Old Comic: A Long Time Ago https://www.toyboxcomix.com/2017/06/04/a-long-time-ago/ A Long Time Ago #DoctorWho #RoseNylund #StarWars #TenthDoctor
Random Old Comic: A Long Time Ago https://www.toyboxcomix.com/2017/06/04/a-long-time-ago/ A Long Time Ago #DoctorWho #RoseNylund #StarWars #TenthDoctor
To look at my current desktop, you might suppose I was writing a bit about Elves in #Hammondal tonight (which is true, but only a little).
We weep for Adric! On 16 March 1982, viewers of #DoctorWho saw the heroic death of the doctor's companion #Adric (played by gay actor #MatthewWaterhouse) in a cataclysmic cosmic event that saved Earth but wiped out the dinosaurs! Watch: https://youtu.be/Hn2W9vn2yjs
Maybe I should just get rid of the Main Range folder altogether and just have a `0. Main Range` subfolder for every Doctor and put their episodes there.
Alright, DOCTOR WHO and Delia Derbyshire geeks who happen to play the synth, Spitfire Audio has reduced a BBC Radiophonic Workshop plug-in. The samples here are from the archive tapes! And WHO composer Mark Ayres was involved in assembling this!
40 years ago today, “Doctor in Distress” (1985), the single from Who Cares? was released. It is considered the worst charity single ever. Recorded to save Doctor Who from possible cancellation, proceeds were intended go to the charity Cancer Research. Sales were so poor that it failed to recover expenses. #80s #80smusic #DoctorWho