I haven't drawn or done vector art in a while. Was inspired by my friend wolf & ghostling (https://wolf-and-ghostling.neocities.org/ [wolf-and-ghostling.neocities.org])*.
*Please go check out their work, it's really good.
El Gato consentido
#Cats #Catstodon #CatsOfMastodon #CatsOfFediverse #Tiger #Tigers
On 4 February, at Pench Tiger Reserve in India, a three-year-old tigress chased after a boar. Ordinarily, this would be an unremarkable event. However, this time, both hunter and prey somehow fell into a deep well, where they were trapped together.
Before long, local villagers observed the animals struggling to stay afloat, and notified the forest department. A rescue team soon arrived!
Using rope, the rescuers lowered a traditional village cot, which the exhausted animals rested on. The team then lowered a big cage, which the tiger willingly entered. As soon as the cage's door slid closed, rescuers used a hydraulic crane to hoist the caged tiger to safety.
Once the tiger was safe, the boar was then rescued as well. Both animals, which were unharmed by the ordeal, have since been released (to different locations).
ABC article (where I saw the story): https://www.abc.net.au/news/2025-02-06/tiger-boar-rescued-from-well-india/104904210
Pench Tiger Reserve Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/DFpVSkWvSoc/
New Indian Express: https://www.newindianexpress.com/nation/2025/Feb/04/tiger-wild-boar-turn-friends-after-falling-into-well-in-land-of-jungle-book
Theme: #tiger
Palette: Pico-8
I started drawing a tiger, and then I remembered the Tasmanian Tiger (aka the Thylacine). Resculpted the body and used wikipedia for references. Found out on the wiki that there have been some attempts to revive this species, so that's interesting
Wiki reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thylacine
Aurora Tiger and one of her favorite toys, a green Tipsy Tom.
Some recent sketchbook pages! #furry #furryart #sketch #tiger #thylacine #coyote #colorpencil #mastoart #fediart
Daria Kropacheva, ‘Pacification’
#art #tiger #animals
Via: https://www.instagram.com/p/C6WxhtkIsGh/
SXSW Doc ‘42nd Street’ Tells Untold Stories From Santo Domingo’s Troubled Cultural Hotspot in First Trailer (EXCLUSIVE)
#Variety #Global #News #JoseMariaCabral #SXSW #Tiger #Woodpeckers
#art #mastoart #animalmarch #illustration #surrealism #kleinekunstklasse #tiger
Für den Animalmarch nachgereicht mein gefährlichstes Bild:
Vorsicht! Der Tiger tarnt sich mitunter als Bettvorleger!