Audio books and music sound more delicious when they are saved on your device and you can move the files where you want.
This is the only #audiophile mystical thinking I agree with! The bits get to you better because they are NOT being streamed!
(No, I'm not being literal, but if people want to think this I won't disabuse them of the notion. If you buy a file it ought to be yours, just like a book. )
Streaming services never have been and never will never be an 'archive' of any kind. Companies will yank things you love from streaming services, regardless of popularity, on a whim. You gotta own whatever you can.
Luckily, we also now have things like the amazing @internetarchive that we can search through-- all the millions of things they've preserved at And we can add to it ourselves, too.
All in the name of preservation.
Sadly my records and turntable are in storage right now, but YouTube's got my back for this holiday classic this afternoon:
For anyone who missed it, here's the episode of Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur that Disney pulled because it dealt with trans rights and the company didn't think it was compatible with the forthcoming new political leadership of the USA.
People doing the Lord's Work over on the Internet Archive.
Do NOT comply in advance.
If you've downloaded an archive of your #Twitter #X data and you've got your own domain name and hosting, you can publically host your Twitter archive so your tweets live on free from Musk's hell site!
Here's mine:
Tutorial on how to do this (you have to delete some sensitive files first):
I'm on the GOG mailing list - they alert you about deals and free game giveaways there. After I just redeemed a giveaway, they confirm what's in this image. I love it. Offline play. No DRM. Safeguards and rollbacks.
GOG has also been making promising steps for game preservation lately with their 'Preservation Program' for 'Good Old Games' that currently includes 92 games, and they're adding more (see
GOG is doing things RIGHT.
Oh, this is exciting! Mainframe is remastering ReBoot at 1080p directly from the original masters, and the first episode is on YouTube!
#RetroCartoons #MediaPreservation #MediaRestoration #ReBoot #MainframeStudios
Freevee's Cartoon Rewind channel is showing GoBots right now and I need everyone to go see how beautiful it looks. Hanna-Barbera just rolling up with 1080p GoBots masters like it's nothing.
Finally dug out my Challenge of the GoBots miniseries DVD and yeah, the version MeTV Toons is working with is *at least* 1080p, maybe better. It looks significantly sharper than the DVD. Might need to see if there's a way to save them off Frndly's DVR thing.
As someone who has been struggling with PAL DVDs from 2005, this makes me so jealous.
#transformers #MediaPreservation #MediaRestoration #RetroAnime #Masterforce
Okay, so because Inhumanoids liked to flirt with serialization, first you have to watch the last couple minutes of this:
(Warning for some PRETTY DISTRESSING violence that was somehow in a Hasbro toy cartoon!)
#ToyCartoons #MediaRestoration #MediaPreservation #AIUpscaling #Inhumanoids #Hasbro #RetroCartoons #RetroToys
I've started uploading my 1080p-upscaled version of Inhumanoids: The Evil That Lies Within to YouTube! It doesn't look as good as the Visionaries upscales but that's because nothing will ever look as good as Visionaries. But it's a lot more watchable than my previous raw PAL DVD uploads!
#ToyCartoons #MediaRestoration #MediaPreservation #AIUpscaling #Inhumanoids #Hasbro #RetroCartoons #RetroToys
I'm uploading the last of my Visionaries upscales to YouTube tonight! Hrm, what to do next...
RELATED: I've uploaded a few more upscaled episodes of Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light! Including "The Overthrow of Merklynn", which is an especially fun episode.
#RetroCartoons #MediaPreservation #Visionaries #Hasbro #ToyCartoons #80s
I don't do things like my Inhumanoid uploads for the clout, I just want them out there, but it's not a great feeling seeing YouTube channels doing what I can only assume are re-uploads. I don't want to watermark things because I do this for preservation but I'm wondering if I should maybe add something like that to the end credits of my upscales. The vibes are not great!