Dirty Laundry
Great Australian Pods Podcast Directory: https://www.greataustralianpods.com/dirty-laundry/
Dirty Laundry
Great Australian Pods Podcast Directory: https://www.greataustralianpods.com/dirty-laundry/
I complained to the Senate's Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee after they made the recommendation that the government "do all they can to accelerate the introduction of mobile phone services via the Starlink network".
... The committee head just told me that they forwarded the comments to everyone.
So... Yay? Maybe they review that insanity?
Tomorrow I'll be on ABC Radio Melbourne as a guest with David Astle on his 'Victorian Evenings' programme.
We'll be talking about retro shopping centres and perhaps some other local history topics from 8pm on Wednesday 19 March.
Tune in on your radio to 774 AM or online: https://www.abc.net.au/listen/live/melbourne
Dutton really likes wasting money on being a bastard
An envelope which contains objects 1987.0031.1148 and 1987.0031.1149.
Ink, Paper
#Art #History #Museum #ArtHistory #Gallery #MastodonArt #MastoArt #Culture #Random #Australia
This perplexing flyer was strung across a toilet door at the Preston Market. Any help deciphering it?? https://www.byteseu.com/838978/ #Australia #Melbourne
There are so many different ways to see and photograph the Great Ocean Road - here a few examples.#helicopter
Nearly half of Australia’s year 6 students can’t swim 50 metres or tread water for two minutes
‘Range of factors’ behind fall in swimming skills to below national benchmarks, including cost of lessons, researchers say
Really terrible, we've had way too many drownings as is.
“Downing Street said on Monday it expected “more than 30” countries to join a coalition to help secure a lasting peace in Ukraine, though British officials admit that *many would not be willing to put boots on the ground.*
#Britain, #France and #Australia have signalled they are ready to send #troops to help enforce a #ceasefire in #Ukraine, but all have warned that any peace could only be guaranteed if the US provided a military “backstop”.
A larger group of EU countries — including #Ireland, #Luxembourg and #Belgium — have not ruled out participating in a possible force, depending on the rules of engagement agreed and its #LegalBasis.”
#ROE / #rules <https://archive.md/phILM> / <https://www.ft.com/content/61cb338a-0d8e-41bc-bd25-72a2096ecf90> (paywall)
Photographic glass plate positive depicting small township of slab buildings amongst trees
A black and white photographic glass plate positive, depicting a small township of slab buildings set amongst trees. A tent and a prominent tree are i…
Glass, Photographic emulsion
Queensland, Australia
#Art #History #Museum #ArtHistory #Gallery #MastodonArt #MastoArt #Culture #Random #Australia
Convict love token from W. Sindary, 1827
A convict love token, made from a coin and engraved on one side. The engraved side features the text 'WHEN THIS YOU SEE THINK ON ME / W SINDARY 1827' …
Metal - non specific
#Art #History #Museum #ArtHistory #Gallery #MastodonArt #MastoArt #Culture #Random #Australia
Australian man survives 100 days with artificial heart in world-first success
—The Guardian
「 The BiVACOR total artificial heart, invented by Queensland-born Dr Daniel Timms, is the world’s first implantable rotary blood pump that can act as a complete replacement for a human heart, using magnetic levitation technology to replicate the natural blood flow of a healthy heart 」
Macron: “It is not Russia’s Decision to Accept or Reject” Foreign Contingents in Ukraine #Ukraine #USA #UK #EU #Europe #Czechia #Poland #Lithuania #Latvia #Estonia #Germany #France #Austria #Hungary #Romania #Slovakia #Japan #Taiwan #Australia #Switzerland #Canada #Italy #Ireland #Netherlands #Finland #Sweden #Denmark #Iceland #Norway #Spain #NATO #RussiaIsATerroristState https://united24media.com/latest-news/macron-it-is-not-russias-decision-to-accept-or-reject-foreign-contingents-in-ukraine-6772